Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a great Halloween and were safe and got lots and lots of candy! *big smiles* We started out our Halloween day by going to Boo at the Zoo. Ben was hunting and Papaw had a funeral to go to so Nana, Emma and I went and then Chad, Christy and Grace joined us later that afternoon! Emma loved all the animals and she actually got to see them feed the monkeys some small pumpkins. She asked the zoo keeper to throw them more, but they didn't have any more! LOL!
I would strongly recommend going to Boo at the Zoo in future years as they have so much stuff for the kids to do. I was really in shock at how much stuff there was. Every bit of empty space at the zoo was filled with rides, games, activities or concessions. Emma didn't get to ride any of the carnival rides as I felt she was still a little young and didn't want to squeeze myself onto the kiddie rides! I know some of you would have liked to seen pictures of that, but couldn't bring myself to do it! *hahaha* Well here are some of the pictures. I left out the animal pictures since I had posted some in an earlier post.
Emma posing for a picture with the pumpkins and hay!

She loves the "punkins"

She really loved these pumpkins and they were everywhere!

This is what I get when I say "cheese"!

Emma and I getting ready for the train ride

Chad, Christy and Grace getting ready for the train ride!

Christy, Grace, Emma and I just strolling along!

Awwww....HUGS! Gotta love it!

I think Grace was trying to get Emma to play chase!

Theres those pumpkins again!

Emma wanted to hold Grace's hand the entire time! It was so cute!

Emma looking at the lionesses! (didn't get them in the pic)
I will post Emma's trick-or-treating pictures another day so come back soon! :)
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