Friday, August 14, 2009

Tuesday I did not have work so we called Christy and Grace to see if they wanted to meet us at Entergy park to play. We picked up McDonald's happy meals for the girls and had a little picnic before playing. The girls had a blast sliding and climbing and racing each other to the steering wheel at the top of the play gym! Neither one was really willing to try and share the steering wheel so whoever got there first it was theirs! LOL! Emma fell off the picnic table bench and we thought she might have broken her nose, but thankfully she didn't. We got the strollers out and walked the trails and then called it a day! We had a great time and Emma and Grace really played hard and had a great time together! Here are some of the pics I got from that day! Be ready for the last two because they are super sweet!

Grace sliding!
Grace waiting her turn for the steering wheel! LOL!

Finally it was Grace's turn and she loved every minute of it!

Emma trying to pass the time until its her turn on the steering wheel!
Right before she went down the slide I asked her to smile and she did!

The girls sitting on the bottom step to take a picture!

Holding hands to go to the car! So SWEET!

More sweetness!
Thank you Grace and Christy for a great day at the park! We are looking forward to many more trips to the park so the girls can play and we can walk the trails!

1 comment:

  1. Me and my computer.... A Love/Hate Relationship..... :p
    There are a dozen COMMENTS floating aimlessly out there in cyberspace.
    I have tried to make a comment on each & every post, but they just 'go away somewhere'...
    I love all of the pictures. Her polished toe nails are too cute.
    It looks like she and her friend had a very good time at the park. It is always nice to have someone share a special time with you, especially when you get to play and have a picnic.
    Soon the leaves will be falling and they can have a blast jumping and rolling around in them.
    Love you all.
