Friday, July 24, 2009
You have to check this out!
A visit with the Kinnu's, Johnson's and one Garret!

All the big kids were playing with water guns so Kerrie gave Emma one. She could work that thing well, but could only press the trigger if she was holding it backwards...therefore squirting herself in the face! We all got a big kick out of it because she did this over and over for about 15 minutes!
I thought Emma would have crashed the second we got in the car, but she was too busy saying everyone's names that she played with tonight. She would say....Brent, Kewy, Le (Kelly), Jayz (Josie), Tayla and Ade (Wade). Most of the night she called Wade Papa! LOL! We got home, took a bath and she was out and slept till about 9:15 this morning!
Thanks again for having us over Kelly & Wade! *big smiles*
Monday, July 20, 2009
We love the ZOO!
Here is a slide show of the pics I got. Sorry there aren't that many, but my camera batteries died mid way through so didn't get any bears, wart hogs, cats, camels, etc. We will be going many more times so will post more pictures on future posts!
Did you guys know you could get a zoo membership? It is good for an entire year and you get lots of extra stuff. I got the Parent/Grandparent Plus membership which includes 2 adults (has to be in the same household), all their children/grandchildren under the age of 18, and one guest with each visit for only $95. You get many other discounts, etc. so if you are interested you can check out for all the details. Regular admission is $10 for adults and $8 for children so if we go at least 3 times we will be getting our moneys worth. There are many different packages to choose from to, you don't have to do the one I chose. Thought I would share that information with you guys because I did not know they had a membership program! I also have a direct link to the Little Rock Zoo's main page under my favorite websites on the right side of the blog that is always there if you need it. *smiles*
Hope everyone had a great Monday! We are one day closer to the weekend! LOL! Thanks Meg for leaving some comments on earlier posts too. It makes me smile to know that you all are enjoying the posts and pictures!
If you ever miss a post you can go back to older posts through the archives on the right hand side of the page or you can just scroll down and then choose older posts at the bottom of each page! If you ever have any questions about the blog please let me know. Have a great rest of the week and hopefully I will have stuff to post later in the week as well!
Better late than never!
Well…last Tuesday was such a beautiful day that I decided to take Emma out on the back porch to eat her lunch. I thought it would be a change and she would enjoy herself. She sure did too! She wanted to eat fast so she could get down in the grass and play…unfortunately we didn't have time to play, only eat! LOL! She is learning to feed herself and you can tell in some of the pictures. I still have to help her scoop it up, but she can generally get it from the plate to her mouth pretty good. I am definitely using the word “generally” very loosely…if you know what I mean! *wink*
Then Tuesday night was Ben’s fishing tournament night so Mom & Dad asked us to stay over for supper and Mama & Papa Terry joined us as well. Dad grilled steaks, chicken, veggies and grilled potatoes! It was delicious! Mama read Emma books, magazines, & more books! *smiles* Then Pop left his shoes out in the middle of the floor in hopes Emma would try to put them on and after considering it a couple of times she finally gave in and put them on!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A Picture Promise
I hope everyone had a great weekend! We went to Mark & Meg's Friday night for our Kid-Free Friday (if you didn't already know...that is Nana & Papa's night to keep Emma). I always have such a great time and get some much needed girl time, as well as some much needed laughs! We ate, we visited, we laughed, we had ice cream, we laughed some more, and toward the end of the night even got in the pool for a minute!
Saturday Ben actually went to town with me, but only because he needed new shoes and he cant seem to do this by himself. Of course anything that includes shopping I am game for and thank goodness I did because he bought me some new tennis shoes too! I have to say these are the cutest tennis shoes I have ever owned. Will try to get a picture of them as well because I am very proud! *wink* Then we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast/lunch...meaning Ben had breakfast and I had lunch, as I can never pass up there grilled catfish! Yummy to my tummy! After that we went to pick up Emma from Nana & Papa's, took a nap and then went swimming at Granny & Papa's pool. Then Sunday was church and I even got to lay out for a couple hours that afternoon! Of course I didn't get pictures from the whole weekend! Sorry!
I did get pics yesterday, but will have to share that story and pics later! Just wanted to check in and let you know we are still alive and will be posting pics soon!
Ben did well in his fishing tournament last night on LH getting 3rd place. He will fish this Friday on DeGray so keep your fingers crossed for him!
I also want to give a shout out to Aunt Mary who has become one of "my followers"! *smiles* Thanks for stopping by Aunt Mary and hope you enjoyed it and continue to enjoy it. Just a little FYI to can leave comments below each post if you would like. Mom, Christy & Grace had left comments below my first post so I didn't know if everyone knew you could do that. I love hearing from everyone.
Till tomorrow! XOXO!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Plan a Fun Weekend!
Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission
500 Mid America Blvd., Hot Springs AR 71913
A great day out for your whole family for a few $ and two phone books?
Hot Springs, Ark., July 18th & 19th, 2009 – Yes really… Bring your out of date phone books to Mid-America Science Museum on July 18th and 19th, and you will receive two coupons for a discounted admission of only $2.50 (plus tax) for each for each directory recycled (no maximum number). With the coupon, visitors will be able to tour the museum, watch the laser show and take a virtual simulator ride. The coupons are valid this weekend only.
This great summer environmental event is a partnership between The City of Hot Springs Sanitation Dept., AT&T Real Yellow Pages, Mid-America Science Museum (MASM) and the Hot Springs/Garland County Beautification Commission to highlight the need to recycle; and what could be better than doing the right thing by recycling and getting a huge discount to see one of the area’s top attractions!
Hot Springs Mayor Mike Bush will be on hand for the unveiling of the new AT&T directory cover, which will feature MASM this year. There will also be information on more recycling in the City and County, free energy saving books, and lots more…
In keeping with AT&T’s commitment to minimizing its environmental impact, AT&T Real Yellow Pages’ directory paper is made from recycled paper and wood fiber waste. Outdated directories are recycled and later used for new directories, as well as other products such as insulation, shingles, and tissue. The new 2009 AT&T Real Yellow Pages telephone directory will be distributed in July.
“This event with AT&T represents MASM’s first major corporate sponsored Environmental Day Out,” states Marquart, “a partnership that will have a positive impact on the museum and the communities that we serve.”
4th of July Dress

Cute, but could you look up please! I need an Elmo that goes on top of my camera!

A little fuzzy, but you can really see the dress!
And that's a wrap people...actually the electricity went out right after this and I took that as a sign I was not going to get any better pictures! I was proud she kept her bow in her hair for that long. Usually the minute I step away after putting it in is when she jerks it right out!
Hope you have enjoyed this week full of pics and blogging. Probably wont be on again over the weekend so I hope you all have a great weekend. Nothing big planned with us. Going to Mark & Megs tonight to visitate and have some fun. Maybe go swimming tomorrow or Sunday. I am sure I will have pics for you on Monday no matter what we end up doing! XOXO!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A New Toy
Of course Emma had to help in putting it together and then showed it off for us!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Work Hard/Play Hard
Emma is so independent and just chose what she wanted to do and did it. I wasn't dragging her from slide to slide and I didn't even have to help her up the steps! Yikes! She is growing too fast! I took a bunch of cute pics of her playing and decided to try out a slide show instead of add each picture individually! We shall see how this turns out!
As apparent in the photos her favorite part of the playground is definitely the tunnel. She likes to throw a bunch of rocks in there, sweep them out and then get in the tunnel to get the last few rocks out. She really thinks she has accomplished a major task here and you can tell by the looks on her face when exiting the tunnel how proud of herself she is! LOL!
Also...the last four pics of her at the bottom of the slide with the black mat...she absolutely insisted on picking up every single rock from the mat before we could move on to anything else. After about 5 minutes of picking up rocks one by one I decided to speed the process along and swept some off with my feet. The last picture is when she was satisfied to move on to the next thing. LOL!
Also, have to say congrats to Ben on his fishing tournaments. They got 5th place last night at the Lake Hamilton Tournament. However, last Friday nights tournament on DeGray he got 2nd place with 20 lbs. of fish! GO BEN! I forgot to mention that in early posts so had to add him in there. I will have to get him to take pics with his phone if he can remember! He wont take a camera because he says that is bad luck! LOL! He has another tournament tomorrow night (Thursday) so wish him luck then as well!
And last, but certainly not least...I wanted to thank Aunt KK for being one of my followers! Sounds kind of cult like, but I like it! *big smiles* Also Christy & Grace stopped by I see and left a comment and Mom the Bomb, which I am assuming is my Mom stopped by! Thanks girls and I hope you continue to enjoy and check in frequently. At the rate I am going we may have new pics every week! WhooooHooo!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Lack of Pics for the 4th!
Then Saturday, Fourth of July, we went to Papa Don & Granny Kay's for swimming and grilling. All the food was great and the kids had fun swimming. We were joined by Matt, Crystal and Keith. Ben grilled all the food for us and it was delicious. Then we enjoyed time around the pool swimming, visiting and laughing. Of course I only took a couple of pics from the entire holiday weekend and none of which to be very excited about, but will share anyway.
I also got the cutest dress for Emma to wear to church on Sunday and didn't even get a picture of her in it either. I will, however, be taking a picture and posting it later because it is just too cute not to share! *wink*
Thursday, July 2, 2009
18-Month doctors appointment & some rare form pictures!
I am just going to brag a little bit here and tell you some of the words she is saying well enough for everyone to understand. So if you aren't interested or already know then you can skip this paragraph!. She is saying Elmo of course, duck, daisy (thats Nana's cats name), baby, NO, book, snack, juice, bye-bye, bath, get (thats for Kirby), shoes, ball, bubbles, ice, coke, up, down, boat, eyes, nose, mouth, and the list goes on. This is not including words like Momma & Nana! LOL! onto the rare form photos. Almost all of the pictures I take of Emma are motion pictures because she is on the move. I rarely get a good picture of her smiling and being still. Well today I learned the trick...sit her in front of an Elmo movie and viola...rare form pictures! *cheese*