Monday, July 20, 2009

Better late than never!

I know…I know…I didn't keep my promise from Wednesday! I didn't have work Thursday or Friday and therefore didn't get on the computer again until today! So sorry I was not able to keep my promise, but I am going to make up for it by posting a multitude of pictures for you today! Maybe our week will be filled with fun as well so I will have more posts the rest of the week too! LOL!

Well…last Tuesday was such a beautiful day that I decided to take Emma out on the back porch to eat her lunch. I thought it would be a change and she would enjoy herself. She sure did too! She wanted to eat fast so she could get down in the grass and play…unfortunately we didn't have time to play, only eat! LOL! She is learning to feed herself and you can tell in some of the pictures. I still have to help her scoop it up, but she can generally get it from the plate to her mouth pretty good. I am definitely using the word “generally” very loosely…if you know what I mean! *wink*

Then Tuesday night was Ben’s fishing tournament night so Mom & Dad asked us to stay over for supper and Mama & Papa Terry joined us as well. Dad grilled steaks, chicken, veggies and grilled potatoes! It was delicious! Mama read Emma books, magazines, & more books! *smiles* Then Pop left his shoes out in the middle of the floor in hopes Emma would try to put them on and after considering it a couple of times she finally gave in and put them on!

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