Kelly invited Emma and I over for grilled burgers and a swim in the pool. Kerrie & Brent, Wade & Josie and Taylor were able to join in on the fun as well. We hung out around the pool and Wade grilled burgers for us all, which were delicious by the way! Then everyone enjoyed some cooling off time in the pool....well everyone but me. I was in such a rush to get over there that I grabbed every bag in site except my own, which had my swimsuit, Emma's blow up raft, extra swimmers, etc. So I had to sit on the edge, but I did put my feet and half my legs in! *smiles* We had some delicious watermelon, visitated for a while and then called it a night! Thanks again Kelly for thinking of us, we had a great time!

Emma fell down and got a booboo! :(
Kerrie was trying to hide behind Brent!
Little does she know....I got her anyway! *smiles*
Josie looked up right in time to notice that I was taking a picture and
was mad that she didn't get to pose!
She called a do over and got to smile this time!
All the big kids were playing with water guns so Kerrie gave Emma one. She could work that thing well, but could only press the trigger if she was holding it backwards...therefore squirting herself in the face! We all got a big kick out of it because she did this over and over for about 15 minutes!
I thought Emma would have crashed the second we got in the car, but she was too busy saying everyone's names that she played with tonight. She would say....Brent, Kewy, Le (Kelly), Jayz (Josie), Tayla and Ade (Wade). Most of the night she called Wade Papa! LOL! We got home, took a bath and she was out and slept till about 9:15 this morning!
Thanks again for having us over Kelly & Wade! *big smiles*
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